Saturday, August 29, 2009

Update August 29, 2009 Pro Or Con "Weight Loss - 6 Pack ABS" By Health Experts

6 pack Abs is considered as a weight loss program which helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles and lose body fat. In order to accomplish each of these goals, it will need your dedication, willpower, patience and time to get a six pack but in the end, the effort is well worth it. You can have the most toned and defined abs but they won't show through if there's a layer of fat over them.

Recommended program
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

Truth About 6 Pack Abs - Does it Really Work?
By Sebatian Brode Platinum Quality Author

Before you make a decision to invest in Mike Geary's book "The Truth About 6 Pack Abs" you must understand that getting a defined mid-section is not about doing endless reps of sit-ups and crunches, or using the latest ab exercise roller contraption. That's not what this product is about.

Contrary to popular belief you cannot spot reduce fat, in other words you will not get a washboard stomach by doing thousands of sit-ups and other stomach exercises without doing some other form of exercises and reduce the number of calories that you take in on a daily basis.

One of the more refreshing aspects of "truth about 6 pack abs" is that although they promise fast results, they admit it takes effort and hard work along with a properly structured program. The only real solution to get rid of your love handles is to combine sound nutrition with an overall approach to fitness that stimulate your metabolism to trigger faster fat loss, which in turn will make your abdominals show the much coveted six pack.

In "The Truth About 6 Pack Abs" Mike Geary, a renowned fitness expert and dietician, dispels many of the myths surrounding abs workouts and pretty much tells people that there are no best abs workout. It is a combination of several important components.

He really is after the truth about 6-pack abs and gives you a complete solution that includes:

Nutrition - how to put a fat burning diet together to maximize fat loss.

Exercises - He gives you many exercises and combinations thereof that he has structured into training sequences for you to follow. (By the way, stomach exercises are only a small part of this solution)

Guidelines - Specific guidelines for you to follow, so there's no guess work involved.

The truth about 6 pack abs also introduces many exercises that at first glance seem unrelated to getting a ripped mid-section, yet have devastating effects when you understand how to put your routines together. Exercises such as: mountain climbers, front squats with dumbbells and even dumbbell rows are part of the curriculum.

Just combining these types of exercises will give you some of the most intense exercises for abs that you can imagine.

To answer the question of whether "truth about abs" delivers on its promises, I would have to say: "yes it does". It gives you everything you need to know to get a washboard stomach.

Does it give you these results fast?

My answer would be, it depends. The truth about 6 pack abs will definitely give you results, but it varies from person to person. From my own experience, it can take anywhere from 30 - 90 days to develop a six pack, but it will largely depend on how much fat you need to lose.

I would definitely recommend that you take a closer look at "The Truth About 6-Pack Abs" and decide for yourself whether you can see through the hype and get something that will work.

Are you tired of reading cruddy reviews trying to sell you another ab workout program? Are you trying to find unbiased reviews of ab exercise programs? Read our Truth About 6 Pack Abs Product Report and Customer Feedback. Want reports on other products? Check out our Ab Workout Program Directory Today.

Recommended program
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Update August 16, 2009

6 pack Abs is considered as a weight loss program which helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles and lose body fat. In order to accomplish each of these goals, it will need your dedication, willpower, patience and time to get a six pack but in the end, the effort is well worth it. You can have the most toned and defined abs but they won't show through if there's a layer of fat over them.

Recommended program
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

Diet Plan to Get the Six Pack Abs

By Jitesh Arora Platinum Quality Author

Are you yearning to get, those six-pack abs? Well, apart from hitting the gym and being regular with your exercises it is also important that you have a good diet so that it can help you in making building perfect six-pack abs. There are a number of people who constantly exercise but do not keep a focus on their diet and this can he a major factor in the time taken to make six-pack abs.

Here are some standard diet inclusions that can help you maintain the nutrition supply when you are working out to get six-pack abs.

Have lots of proteins, this will help you in building lean muscles and you also end up burning more calories as compared to fats and carbohydrates. Having a high protein diet would also prevent you getting hungry early.

Include high fiber carbohydrates like unrefined grains, vegetables and fruits. Avoid having refined grains and sugar, as they will increase, the capacity of your body to store fat. Fibers are a rich source of energy and are a good option to keep your body lean.

Consume the right fats. Usually people who are exercising to make six-pack abs cut off fats from their diet. This is not the right concept as the absence of fats from your diet can result in hormonal imbalance. You can have olive oil, avocados, organic meat etc. included in your diet.

Stay away from artificial trans fats and also avoid consuming fructose corn syrup. These two ingredients are commonly involved in the daily diet. Products made of these substances will result in fat accumulation in your body and also lead to health related problems. To avoid these ingredients it is best to stay away from processed food and have freshly cooked food.

Keeping these diet standards in your eating schedule will not only help you in getting those six-pack abs, but also will help you maintain a healthy body and a balanced blood sugar and hormonal level.

If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit Best Sixpack Abs and Sixpack Abs Diet

Article Source:

Recommended program
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

Six-Pack Abs For Females
By Jitesh Arora Platinum Quality Author

These days' even women long to have six-pack abs. Getting the six-pack abs is the right combination of diet and exercises. Apart from doing the exercises it is also important that you have the right diet, which is rich in proteins and fibers so that you burn calories and also don't fall short of energy. Another important factor that females need to focus is on staying motivated to get the six-pack abs.

For females it is advised that they should not work out on their abs for more than three times in a week. Plan out the abs exercises on alternate days so that they exercising should not result in stress. It is also important to do the right exercises with correct postures. When you start a workout for six-pack abs, then you will be mainly doing abdominal exercises. However, it is equally important to burn the fat that can be done with cardiovascular exercises.

The first exercise that can help you with building abs is cycling. For this exercise lie on your back and raise your knees towards your chest. Put your hand behind your head and slowly move your knees towards the chest in a cycling manner. The lower part of your leg should be in a position that is parallel to the ground.

Second exercise is doing crunches. For this exercise also lie on your back and hold your hands behind your lower head. Fold your legs and touch them with the thighs. Now gradually move your upper body and shoulders. You can start with doing 10-15 crunches in a day but don't overdo them.

For the third exercise lie on your back, and cross your legs one by one over each other, having raise them at an angle of 30ยบ. This helps in toning of the lower abdominal muscles.

Doing the right exercises can help you get the six-pack abs. However, for women it is advised that they shouldn't go overboard with abdominal exercises as it can cause hormonal problems.

If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit Best Sixpack Abs and Sixpack Abs Diet

Recommended program
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

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