Thursday, December 24, 2009

Update Dec. 24 - 2009 Pro Or Con "Weight Loss - 6 Pack ABS" By Health Experts

6 pack Abs is considered as a weight loss program which helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles and lose body fat. In order to accomplish each of these goals, it will need your dedication, willpower, patience and time to get a six pack but in the end, the effort is well worth it. You can have the most toned and defined abs but they won't show through if there's a layer of fat over them.

Recommended Reading
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

Six Pack Abs and Weight Loss - 10 Ways to Get a Six Pack Abs and Lose Weight Next Year
By Roy Gol

Actually, these 10 exercises I am about to reveal below were some of the most popular ones among weight loss seekers in 2009 and many many people world wide use them. These are just 10 exercises of a very long list you can find in the Free Fat Loss report I give you in my blog. You can do them strait away, without going the gym or buying any expensive cardio gym gear.

  • Staircase Sprints. Just climb those stairs as fast as possible, that is why they are called staircase sprints. When you get to the top - walk slowly down and sprint up again. You can find stairs in the apartment block you live in, in a football field, hotels etc...I recommend doing some upper body exercises like push-ups or pull-ups as this will give you the extra component for a complete full body exercise. When doing staircase sprints give it everything you got because if it is done with high enough intensity it will stimulate a hormone response in your body and you will burn fat and calories and build muscle throughout the entire body.
  • Body-weight Workouts. You can do squats, all types of push-ups, lunges, and floor abs exercises for a very intense and short 15-30 minutes. This set of exercises, because they are done in a short time, should be done with little or no rest between each exercise in order to achieve good results.
  • Swimming Sprints. Like staircase sprints...but in the water. After every interval, rest enough to catch your breath and sprint swim to the other side of the pool. Swimming works muscles and joints in a different way than most resistance training. Swimming will also save you the after effect pain you feel in your muscles after an exercise you do at home or at the gym.
  • Mountain Biking. When you seek to lose weight and get a six pack abs you want to do your exercises fast. Bursts of excursion of sprints and fast motion anything you do and you will burn fat and calories like you would not believe. Mountain biking is one cardio exercise that incorporate inside it everything. You get your legs pumping when riding uphill, adrenaline rush when rolling downhill, as well as plateau ride. You will burn fat and calories and have a lot of fun riding bicycles.
  • Rock Climbing. Done indoor or outdoor this is a mental and physical challenge. You can find indoor climbing facilities in many places and I am sure you can find at least one in your town or city too. While having fun, you will workout your legs, arms, shoulders, back and forearms. You will also strengthen your grip. Just a warning, your forearms will be sore for 2-3 days after that, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Stick Wrestling. This is a full body workout where you wrestle your friend holding a stick. Although you can find sticks made up specifically for that, you can just use a strong broomstick and cut it to about 30-36 inches and tape it with an elastic tape on its edges to prevent splinters and gain a better grip. Stand on a soft surface like a mat, carpet or grass outside, both you and your friend hold the same stick towards the end, and then just push, pull, jerk and thrash each other around until you can get the other off balance and they either fall or lose grip of the stick. Be very careful when you wrestle not to hold the stick up too high and knock each other in the face, just use common sense. This exercises is a killer and is good for a few minutes at a time or until someone simply gives up.
  • Rope Skipping. Another great full body exercise. In the book I bought online, Truth About Abs, this exercise comes as a warmup for a weight training session. It is recommended to buy the cheap plastic rope rather than the fabric one as it is easier to do a high intensity workout with. A few sets can be - two legged jump, one legged jump, arm cross overs, double jumps where you swing the rope twice for each jump. It will work your legs, core and hands.
  • Jumping Exercises. These can be squat jumping, box jumping, lung and broad jumping etc... because of the explosive and powerful nature of jumping it will work your legs in a totally different way than a lot of other leg exercises.
  • Wind Sprints. This is my favourite. You go to a park on a very windy day and you sprint against the wind! What a great workout. I love the openness of public parks and I always choose a time where there are very few people around too. I just feel more comfortable doing my exercises when nobody watches me which is why I do not go to a gym. Once you are in the park, measure 50, 75 or 100 yards and sprint them against the wind. Have as little rest between each sprint as possible to get maximum results. Anywhere from 6 to 20 sprints is good.
  • Hill Sprints. Similar to wind sprints just sprinting up hill. Find a steep hill near you and walk to the bottom of it. Sprint up as fast as you can and then walk down for your recovery period. Another great full body exercise.

That is it for today, I have prepared 6 videos that you can get on my blog Acai House that show you how to do all this.

It is known that only about 2-3% of the world's population are lean people who carry a nice set of six pack abs with them. Go on, start your exercise regime right now, I just gave you 10 ideas of what to do. Pick one for each month of the coming year, and if you want more exercises ideas you can visit my blog where I have produced 6 videos that you can get FREE that will show you step by step what exercises are good to do and how to do them to lose weight.

From Roy Gol and Acai House

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

Great Tips to Get Those Six Pack Abs
By John Hartie Platinum Quality Author

Everyone wants a flat stomach. Who would not want a firm abs that models are seen flaunting on fashion channels? Most people want that kind of abs; however, it is common to find them complaining that they cannot seem to get rid of their belly fat. People call it love handles, pot belly, or even a spare tire. Whatever it may be called, nobody wants it and they often struggle to find ways to get rid of it.

To get six pack abs and a model-like flat stomach you must first eat a balanced diet. The food that you eat should be low in cholesterol and fat. This is a proven fact for overall body fat loss and not just for stomach. Eating healthy food that would give you fewer calories than what you actually burn will help you reduce the excess fat. Also, eating foods that have low sugar content will help you lose belly fat.

Eating right is the first step to be followed for getting those six pack abs. However, it is unhealthy to starve your body or to try fad diets or magic pills. After a certain point, it may cause damage to various important body organs like the central nervous system.

Belly fat is also known as beer belly. A great tip to loose excessive fat in your body is by drinking less beer and alcohol or by permanently quitting it. Alcohol is not only high in calories but is can also cause several other health problems. It is known to cause inflammation of the pancreas and the liver. Drinking too much beer also causes bloating and may even be more damage causing if beer is accompanied by soda or fried and salty appetizers.

The next step is to exercise regularly. If you only concentrate on your abs region by doing crunches and sit-ups you are not likely to see any results for months. Concentrate on overall fitness and body fat loss instead of getting obsessed with six packs. These exercises would burn the calories in your body and if you consume a balanced diet that has fewer calories, you would see flatter stomach in a short span of time.

Do more chores around the house, this would help you burn more calories. Enjoying the outdoors, hiking, cycling, swimming, playing with your kids and jogging regularly will help your body use up all the stored fats in your body and help you get those six pack abs that you have always dreamt of.

Lastly, to maintain flat abs and a slim waistline, it is important that you should be consistent in doing your exercises and in maintaining your calorie intake. Most people exercise for months to get flat abs and then once they see some results they stop all their efforts. This would only result in regaining the fat around the stomach region and you would have to again start from scratch. Having a slim waistline requires dedication and demands lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Simple short cuts and gadgets never work in the long run.

Tired of asking how do i lose bellyfat? Contact John Hartie, who is known for helping many in getting rid of that awful bulge around the belly. To learn more from him, visit his website, how do i lose bellyfat, which is a rich resource of all information you will need to know about losing belly fat.

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Update Dec. 09 - 2009 Pro Or Con "Weight Loss - 6 Pack ABS" By Health Experts

6 pack Abs is considered as a weight loss program which helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles and lose body fat. In order to accomplish each of these goals, it will need your dedication, willpower, patience and time to get a six pack but in the end, the effort is well worth it. You can have the most toned and defined abs but they won't show through if there's a layer of fat over them.

Recommended Reading
The Honest Source on Abdominals & Fat Loss
Understand The Facts
If You Are Ever Going to
Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

Truth About Six Pack Abs Review - What You Need For This Workout